Focusing on local history, Gullah culture, genealogy, natural history,and archaeology of lowcountry South Carolina's historic Beaufort, Hampton and Jasper counties.
18 July 2018
Research Room Schedule Adjustments in August 2018
The Beaufort District Collection Research Room is usually open Mondays - Fridays, 9 am to 5 pm -- except when we're not. The next "when we're not-s" that we can anticipate are Wednesday, August 1st and Monday, August 6th. As frequent readers know, this department consists of a staff of 2.5 people - and sometimes it's just not possible to cover the 40 hours a week with that small a staff.
Amanda will assist customers 9 AM to Noon and again from 1 PM to 5 PM on Wed., August 1st and Kristy will assist customers 9 AM to Noon and again from 1 PM to 5 PM on Mon., August 6th. Assistants have mandated lunch period from Noon to 1 PM and most of the time I can cover those times but not on August 1 and August 6. Please schedule your research time with the lunchtime closure on these two dates in mind.
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