17 February 2019

Program about Shell Middens: Remains Left by the Indians

We're hosting archaeologist Jeff Sherard on Wed., February 20 in a BDC@ Beaufort Branch local history program. Please join us at 2 pm to learn about the remains left behind by the Indians of this area and what those remains can tell us about them. No need to register.


Sherard earned his Bachelor's in Anthropology from the University of Alabama. He has conducted fieldwork throughout the southeastern United States and has over 20 years of archaeological field and laboratory experience, including 10 years at Brockington & Associates Cultural Resources Consulting. Sherard supervises the Charleston lab after directing numerous archaeological survey and testing projects and authoring over 200 cultural resources assessment reports, including several mitigation reports. His areas of specialty include the analysis of flaked-stone debitage and tools, daub and prehistoric architecture, and colonoware. In one research project, Sherard completed a morphological study of daub from a Moundville earthlodge to identify unique and varying construction methods.

PS: Debitage is all the material produced during the process of lithic reduction and the production of chipped stone tools. This assemblage includes, but is not limited to, different kinds of lithic flakes and lithic blades, shatter and production debris, and production rejects.

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