01 May 2019

Today is the Day to "Do 1 Thing" for Emergency Preparedness

MayDay is a national effort to prepare for disasters in the cultural heritage community. On May 1 – this year and every year – each of us can do something that will make a difference when and if an emergency occurs.

MayDay began as grassroots effort to safeguard archives by the Society of American Archivists (SAA) in 2006. A year later, SAA was joined in its efforts by the Heritage Emergency National Task Force, a partnership of 41 national service organizations and government agencies. Heritage Preservation, a national non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of the United States, broadened the base of the emergency preparedness initiative to include all types of cultural heritage organizations shortly thereafter. Continuing in the tradition established by the Society of American Archivists and Heritage Preservation, now the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation encourages libraries, museums, archives, historical societies, and preservation organizations to set aside May 1st to participate in MayDay.

Libraries, museums, archives, and arts and historic preservation organizations across the nation will observe MayDay today. MayDay encourages cultural heritage institutions to take one simple step to protect the art, artifacts, records, and historic structures they hold in trust.

This year, the BDC is going to take 2 steps: 1) I am taking Sam and Kristi through the steps to follow if we must evacuate the building so that "Life Safety Comes First" and 2) Together we will use the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation's Walk-Through Checklist to identify the three biggest risks to the BDC and outline steps to mitigate those three biggest risks. It's a pretty big checklist and some of the line items may not apply to our particular circumstance but I am sure that in the end, as manager of the special collections and archives unit, I will have learned much and will be in a better position to advocate for the health and safety of the unit, its customers, and its staff as a result of the exercise.

Of course, preparedness is not just for institutions and governments. Disaster preparedness is everyone's business.

Given that life happens on a daily basis, and disaster is often part of life, then we must ready ourselves for the likelihood that today could just be the day that the earth moves beneath us -- as it did in 1886 -- or the day that a hurricane comes and tears up the town -- as it did in 1959 -- or a fire consumes much of Old Town Bluffton -- as it did in 1863 -- or a tornado touches the ground in a neighborhood subdivision -- as it did in 1933, as it did with loss of life on St. Helena Island in 1998 -- and try to prepare as best we can to survive the event, and to thrive after the event.

Here are a few potential "Do ONE thing for Emergency Preparedness" activities: 

  • Begin now to gather the necessary contents for your hurricane evacuation box(es) for the upcoming hurricane season that begins June 1st.  
  • Decide on what "family treasures" to take with you during an hurricane evacuation procedure.
  • Buy a household fire extinguisher - and learn how and when to use it.
  • Get a NOAA Emergency Alert radio.
There are plenty of other activities listed on the "Do1Thing" website. Do 1 Thing is a non-profit organization that aims to build more disaster resilient communities with simple monthly steps - and reminders if you sign up. It purports that it works because its unique step-by-step approach makes it easy for people to get started preparing for disasters and emergencies.

.... And I think that being attacked by a naval flotilla qualifies as a point for emergency preparedness. Local residents, both enslaved and free, were faced with the Union attack on Port Royal Sound in November 1861. You can learn all about the Battle and the weaponry used in "Sand Against Iron" with Dave Smoot this Saturday, May 4th at the Beaufort Branch Library beginning at 11 AM. The program is free and open to all interested in military history.

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