11 June 2020

Library Enters Phase 3 - and What That Means for You

Update: 18 June 2020 5:00 PM - The Beaufort District Collection is closed until further notice. 

The Library enters Phase 3 of its re-opening plan on Monday, June 15, 2020. If you're on the Library's e-mail blast list, you got the news last night. If not, you may want to sign up to get on that list for future notices about Library operations as we are not out of the COVID-19 health alerts situation yet. And for those who missed the e-blast, here's the text:

The Beaufort County Library system is pleased to announce that its branches will reopen to the public with new protocols starting Monday, June 15. In the interest of preventing the spread of COVID-19 and protecting County employees and the public, library administration has announced several temporary changes to operations that are in line with the public health guidelines put forth by DHEC and the CDC. Read full details on the Beaufort County Government site.

  • All library branches will reopen to their normal opening hours but will close at 4:00pm daily to ensure proper cleaning and sanitizing
  • Bookmobiles will resume service to a limited number of stops starting July 6th. Check our Bookmobile page for the latest updates and the July route schedule (coming soon)
  • Visits to the Beaufort District Collection (BDC) will be available by appointment only (Update 18 June 2020 - all prior appointments are cancelled until further notice. The Research Room is closed into the foreseeable future.) 
  • Curbside service will continue [with an expansion to all] open hours
Our library buildings have been deep-cleaned and surfaces continue to be sanitized daily.
Employees have been provided with cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, and face coverings, which they are required to wear in the workplace.
The following changes have been implemented:

                      All visitors to County buildings (including library branches) will be required to wear a face covering while there
                      Restrictions on the number of customers allowed in facilities pursuant to state/local recommendations
                      Cough-guards installed at service counters
                      Floor markers and signs displayed
                      Furniture arranged to allow for social distancing

Library services:
  • Books and movies can be checked out at service desks and self-checkout machines
  • Public restrooms will be open
  • Public computers are not available at this time
  • Copier/scan/fax/email self-service machines will be available
  • Library meeting rooms are not available at this time
  • Library programs (for youth & adults) are suspended until further notice
Library cardholders can continue to access the library’s online resources such as Hoopla, cloudLibrary, Flipster Digital Magazines, Lynda.com Online Learning Suite and Ancestry.com Library Edition.

We thank you for your patience, support, and understanding as we closely monitor COVID-19 developments and work to mitigate issues related to the temporary closure and reopening of our library system.
 (Update 18 June 2020 - the Research Room is closed until further notice.) 
As regards the operations of the Beaufort District Collection's physical facility, the primary goal I have is that you get the information you need while limiting actual visits to the Research Room as much as possible. This is to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19 among ourselves and to others with whom we come into contact. So here's what to expect about Beaufort District Collection operations starting Monday and continuing until further notice:
  1. Access to the Research Room is by appointment only until further notice.
  2. You must contact me personally (gracec@bcgov.net) or call me at 843-255-6446 in advance to schedule an appointment to come into the Research Room. If I don't answer the telephone, please leave a message so I can engage with you as soon as practical.
  3. I promise to respond to you within 72 hours (unless I am on leave) to discuss your needs and what we have in the BDC to help you. You might be surprised by how much I can help without you having to enter the Research Room.
  4. Let's conduct as much business as possible through the telephone (843-255-6446) or via e-mail (gracec@bcgov.net). 
  5. I will schedule one appointment per time slot followed with gaps for cleaning surfaces in between appointments in order to minimize the risk for other Research Room customers and BDC staff.
  6. I am willing to do as little as one hour or as many as 8 hours within the 9 AM to 5 PM usual and customary day operations schedule - though you should note that access into the Library building will cease at 4 PM until further notice. We can talk about a mutually acceptable date and time during the follow-up telephone call or e-mail.
  7. You must wear a mask at all times while in the Library building until further notice. Please note: There will be no relaxing of this County mandate inside the Research Room.
  8. Please wash your hands before you come into the Research Room. Let's start off as safely as possible.
  9. Hand sanitizer will be available for use inside the Research Room but customers must allow the hand sanitizer to completely dry and evaporate before handling any of the materials.
  10. Materials used will be quarantined for 7 days after use. Only the customer who has used them in the preceding week can access those materials before the end of the 7 day quarantine. Any use begins a new 7 day quarantine period.   
  11. Materials taken from the shelves in the public area of the Research Room will also be quarantined for the 7 day period. 
  12. Please place materials used on the burgundy book cart or materials table in the public area of the Research Room. 
  13. The very well attended BDC Local history program series are suspended until further notice - which I must admit makes me sad. Please know that I am working with our partners Beaufort History Museum, Beaufort County Historical Society, Coastal Discovery Museum, and the Family History Center of the International African American Museum to see if there is a practical way to deliver an abbreviated series to you in the Fall. It's too early to tell how our joint efforts will turn out.
I hope to see you soon. 

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