29 September 2021

"Historically Speaking" Series Reservation

Season 3 of the "Historically Speaking" series opens with Dr. Mollie Barnes’ presentation "Reading Between Lines and Across Rivers: Charlotte Forten and Harriet Tubman, June 1863."

Professor Barnes is Associate Professor of American Literature at USCB. This lecture is sure to be a nice complement to the engaging "Women of Reconstruction" lecture about Laura Towne, Charlotte Forten, and Susie King Taylor that Suzie Parker Devoe did last season.

We are pleased to have the Beaufort County Historical Society and the Institute for the Study of the Reconstruction Era as co-sponsors of this local history program.

Delivery of this session will be unique - and multi-faceted - for BDC Local History groupies! 

1) A few folks will be able to attend the lecture in person. 

2) More folks will be able to live stream the lecture on their personal electronic devices the day of the event.

3) Even more folks will be able to watch the recording later on their personal electronic devices on the day and time most appropriate for them. 

Please note: Limited Reserved Seating Opens at Midnight Thursday, September 30th! 

35 lucky people will get the opportunity to reserve a seat in Room 100, CFA (Center for the Arts), 805 Carteret St, Beaufort for the live presentation set to occur at 11:00 AM on Thursday, October 14th.  Sign up for one of those 35 seats at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/reading-between-lines-and-across-rivers-charlotte-forten-harriet-tubman-tickets-176618128577 beginning at midnight on Thursday, September 30th. 

You should get a screen that looks like this: 

If you click the "Remind Me" button shown in red, you can register for a reminder to be sent to your email inbox one hour before registration opens. Reservations will be closed when full. 

But let's just say that you are still a bit leery of in-person events. We have a URL for that, too.

The link is https://us.bbcollab.com/guest/7ed3329806ca4f5cab909350c4f942cf.

But here's the fine print that you must read and understand! That link is not currently active. This is what you will see until 10:30 AM on October 14th (all things going as planned) 

At 10:30 on Thursday, October 14, 2021 (30 minutes before the lecture is set to begin), the link will let people in the room so you can make sure you're connected and happy and ready to tune in. Once you're in the virtual waiting room, you'll be prompted to type your name so that the USCB folks transmitting and recording the session can see who is who and then you can turn your videos/microphones on if you please. But in certain parts of the County (like from my house on Lady's Island) it's usually better to mute your video and mute your audio in order to have sufficient bandwidth to watch Dr. Barnes without aggravating buffering.  

Let's say that for some reason the Live Stream doesn't stream live as planned. There's yet another way to see and learn from Professor Barnes - you will be able to watch a recording of her "Historically Speaking 3.1" lecture once it gets posted within a few days after the live presentation. 

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