14 October 2021

Update: Recording Available Now of "Historically Speaking" 3.1 with Dr. Mollie Barnes

Update: 10/19/2021 The recording is now available: https://us-lti.bbcollab.com/recording/f8bb8334063a402c9994676c90cc6341 It will be active until November 15, 2021 - gmc

Don't forget to sign in beginning at 10:30 AM to enter the virtual room for the first lecture in Season 3 of the "Historically Speaking" series co-sponsored by the Beaufort County Historical Society, the Institute for the Study of the Reconstruction Era and the Beaufort District Collection. 

The link to the lecture by Dr. Mollie Barnes is  https://us.bbcollab.com/guest/7ed3329806ca4f5cab909350c4f942cf.

Please note: If you sign in before 10:30 AM on October 14th, you will get a screen that says "Session hasn't started yet." USCB students and staff are running all the technology. As a result of COVID-19, they now have a lot of experience troubleshooting technical problems and solving them in the nick of time to keep the curriculum going. 

All things going as planned, here is what should happen: 

Beginning 30 minutes before the lecture is set to begin, you click the link. At 10:30 the link will let people in the room so you can make sure you're connected and happy and ready to tune in for Dr. Barnes at 11 AM. Once you're in the virtual waiting room, you'll be prompted to type your name so that the USCB folks transmitting and recording the session can see who is who and then you can turn your videos/microphones on if you please. I assert though that it's usually better to mute your video and mute your audio in order to have sufficient bandwidth to watch Dr. Barnes without aggravating buffering. There are still a lot of dead zones for internet service in Beaufort County. 

Let's say that for some reason the Live Stream doesn't stream live as planned. There's yet another way to see and learn from Professor Barnes - you will be able to watch a recording of her "Historically Speaking 3.1" lecture once it gets posted within a few days after the live presentation. 

I certainly hope to see at least a few of you in the Virtual waiting room shortly. 

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