05 September 2023

BDC Local History Programs Fall 2023

The Library system's push to re-invigorate our community programs has had consequences for the BDC - which are good for you but quite challenging for the BDC as I try to cover all the responsibilities inherent in caring for special collections type materials with insufficient staff to get those responsibilities done. 

I am very fortunate to have forged solid and supportive relationships with historically minded individuals, community groups, and organizations from whence comes many of the key components for creating and coordinating local history programs for you. Here's what we have to offer you during Fall 2023. All programs are open to the general public at no charge. Space is always limited to the size of the meeting room we use. Most require registration. As indicated in this Connections article, the Research Room will be closed on local history program days.   

You will notice that the BDC is taking to the road a lot, September - November, in an attempt to bring high quality local history programs to a Branch Library close to you.  

September has programs about the colonial period, the mid-20th century and a special event. 

Thursday, September 21, 2023 -- Historically Speaking 5.1A: "Beaufort Before Britain; Our District's European Origin Story" with Dr. Larry Rowland and Chris Allen. Beaufort Branch, 311 Scott Street, 11 AM. Registration opens September 7, 2023 on the Beaufort County Historical Society website. As always, we will close registration when we reach the meeting room capacity. If you have questions about registration, please send them to beaufortcountyhistorical@gmail.com.  

Thursday, September 28, 2023 -- "Paradise: An Authors Book Talk" with Nelle and Ora Smith. BDC@ Hilton Head Branch, 11 Beach City Road, 10 AM. First come; first seated. Door opens 30 minutes ahead of the program start time.

Friday, September 29, 2023 -- Enjoy light refreshments in the upstairs lobby of 311 Scott Street to mark the 13th anniversary of the relocation of the Beaufort District Collection at 3:30 PM. 

October is pretty full as well. The "Beaufort Before Britain" lectures are in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month which runs from mid-September to mid-October each year. We begin with a reprise. 

Thursday, October 5, 2023 -- Historically Speaking 5.1B: "Beaufort Before Britain; Our District's European Origin Story" with Dr. Larry Rowland and Chris Allen. Bluffton Branch, 120 Palmetto Way, 11 AM. Registration for this reprised lecture opens September 21, 2023 on the Beaufort County Historical Society website.

Saturday, October 7, 2023 -- "What the Heck Is It?: Artifact Identification" is an artifact identification session with professional archeologists who will analyze, identify and date your artifacts. Over the years folks have presented a full range of artifacts – prehistoric, historic, projectile points, ceramic sherds, Civil War crypto devices, African dolls, 1st century lamps, etc. – to name a few. Look around the house and bring in that thing you wonder what the heck it is.  Note Well: Do not bring any weapons (guns, swords, daggers, etc.) to be examined. It is the policy of the Beaufort County Library not to allow any weapons in the libraries. No monetary valuations will be provided. Drop-in at Bluffton Branch, 120 Palmetto Way, from 1 PM - 4 PM with your artifacts and try to stump our esteemed archaeologists. I am honored that the Hilton Head Chapter, Archaeological Society of South Carolina is allowing me to be a co-sponsor this year.

The "Plantation Profiles" lectures may be the first time that the Beaufort History Museum and the Beaufort County Historical Society have agreed to help the BDC tri-sponsor a set of lectures. We expect this topic to be very, very popular on both sides of the Broad River. Be sure to register as soon as registration opens. We have very different Fire Marshal capacities so if you can't get into the session at St. Helena Branch Library on the 17th consider signing up for the session on the 19th at Bluffton Branch where we can seat almost twice as many registrants. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 -- "Plantation Profiles" (Northern Beaufort County) with Kayleigh Vaughn of the Morris Center for Lowcountry Heritage. St. Helena Branch Library, 6355 Jonathan Francis Senior Road, 2 PM. Registration opens October 3, 2023 on the Beaufort History Museum website. This program is co-sponsored by the BDC, Beaufort History Museum and the Beaufort County Historical Society.

Thursday, October 19, 2023 -- Reprise of "Plantation Profiles" (Southern Beaufort County) with Kayleigh Vaughn of the Morris Center for Lowcountry Heritage.  Bluffton Branch Library, 120 Palmetto Way, 11 AM. Registration for this session opens October 5, 2023 on the Beaufort County Historical Society website. This program is co-sponsored by the BDC, Beaufort County Historical Society and the Beaufort History Museum. 

In November, we are participating in the Beaufort History Museum's Civil War Encampment and co-hosting a program with them related to the history of a Union unit stationed here during that period. We also have two programs relating to the colonial period of history in honor of Native American Heritage month.    

Friday, November 3, 2023 -- "Kilted Warriors: A Brief History of the New York Highlanders" with re-enactor Tom Vaselopulos. Beaufort Branch Library, 311 Scott Street, 2 PM. Registration opens October 20, 2023 on the Beaufort History Museum website

Saturday, November 4, 2023 -- New York Highlanders Civil War Era Living History Encampment at the Arsenal, 713 Craven Street, Beaufort. 9 AM - 4:30 PM. The demonstrations are free. I'll be there showing off surrogates of some of our Civil War and Reconstruction materials and talking with interested passers-by and area residents from most of the day.

Thursday, November 9, 2023 -- "Snake Bit: Henry Woodward, South Carolina's first English Settler" with Bob Lanham. BDC@ Hilton Head Branch Library, 11 Beach City Road, 11 AM. No registration process: First come; first seated. Door opens 30 minutes ahead of the program start time. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 – "The Yamasee" with Hannah Hoover. BDC@ St. Helena Branch Library, 6355 Jonathan Francis Senior Road, 2 PM. No registration process: First come; first seated. Door opens 30 minutes ahead of the program start time.

We'll take a local history program break for the Thanksgiving through Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holidays since my local history programs demographic tend to travel during that period of the year but rest assured we'll crack things back up programs-wise towards the end of January 2024 - and with a real treat!  

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