20 September 2023

In the Display Case

The BDC Display Case currently features items related to our 2023-2024 Local History Program series. I decided to place the materials by historical period covered rather than by date of the local history program. 

Shelf 1 features materials related to the early colonial period of Beaufort District history. 

Shelf 2 covers the American Revolution and antebellum periods.

Shelf 3 indicates the Reconstruction Era period and looks back to our first program of the fiscal year, Waving the Red Shirts of Redemption.

Shelf 4 showcases two Author Book Talks we have on the schedule this season. 

As you are aware, Hispanic Heritage Month runs September 15 - October 15 each year. Dr. Larry Rowland and Col. Chris Allen are talking about "Beaufort Before Britain" in two sessions.  (I got word today that Session #1 is "sold out.") The first two items on Shelf 1 cover that period: The European Struggle to Settle North America: Colonizing Attempts by England, France and Spain by Margaret Pickett and Dwayne Pickett examines why St. Augustine, Jamestown and Quebec succeeded while Santa Elena, among others, failed. Windows on the Atlantic: The Rise and Fall of Santa Elena, South Carolina's Spanish City by Lawrence S. Rowland explores the European rivalry in our area.   

The Yamasee Indians: From Florida to South Carolina is an anthology of essays about the tribe that settled here around the time of the Europeans arrival. I selected this title for its book cover - and to represent archaeologist Hannah Hoover's program about the "Yamasee Homelands" on November 15th at the St. Helena Branch Library. I didn't have room for an item about Henry Woodward on this shelf but we have a local history program about him called "Snakebit" with author Robert Lanham on the calendar for November 9th and a reprise on April 16th in 2024.

Shelf 2 is a nod to the "Plantation Profiles" sessions presented by Kayleigh Vaughn that we have on the schedule: first at St. Helena Branch on October 17th and a reprise on October 19th at Bluffton Branch libraries. Northern Money, Southern Land : The Lowcountry Plantation Sketches of Chotilde Martin edited by Stephen Hoffius and Robert Cuthbert is a 2-for-1 selection. Northern Money updates Martin's newspaper articles into the 21st century - and the editors were the generous first donors to the BDC's compact shelving fund-raiser about 15 years ago.  The peach-colored book is Suzanne Linder's Historical Atlas of the Rice Plantations of the ACE River Basin -- 1860. On the far right is the archaeological study that led to the identification of the Battle of Beaufort battleground. Neil Baxley will reprise his lecture about it at the Hilton Head Island Branch on February 1, 2024. 

Shelf 3 features Reconstruction Era politics that Nathan Betcher discussed on July 12th. We have lots of materials about Robert Smalls, one of the key local figures during the Civil War and Reconstruction periods. Gullah Statesman : Robert Smalls from Slavery to Congress, 1839-1915 by Edward Miller mostly concentrates on his political career. The quote on the orange square, viz. "My race needs no special defense for the past history of them in this country proves them to be the equal of any people anywhere. All they need is an equal chance in the battle of life" is emblazoned on his bust located at the Tabernacle Baptist Church.  The image on the back of the case is a surrogate made from a Civil War newspaper The paperback book on the right was published by the National Park Service. I put a surrogate of one of our stereosopic photographs on the yellow construction paper. You can see more in the Civil War and Reconstruction Era Stereoscope Photographs of the Port Royal Region and in the L.A. Hall Civil War and Reconstruction Eras Stereoscopic Images digital collections.  

Shelf 4 brings us into the 20th century. We're hosting local authors who will discuss their respective books.  On the right is Paradise: Memories of Hilton Head in the Early Days by mother and daughter writing team Nelle and Ora Smith. They will join us at Hilton Head Branch Library for an Author Book Talk on September 28th. Captain Woody Collins will discuss his Where Have All the Shrimp Boats Gone? A 100-Year History of the Shrimping Industry in the South Carolina Lowcountry at Bluffton Branch Library on January 24, 2024. 

Please check the Library system's calendar of events for program details. 

A heads up: All units of the Beaufort County Library will be closed on Monday, October 9th for staff training. Regular hours resume Tuesday, October 10, 2023. 

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