27 January 2023

February 2023 Programs Update

As of this writing, there are only a few seats left for the next BDC sponsored Local History program. Be sure to register before all the seats are gone
Tuesday, February 2, 2023 - "Battle of Port Royal Island, 1779" with Neil Baxley. Beaufort County Historical Society / Beaufort District Collection "Historically Speaking" series. Beaufort Branch Library, 311 Scott Street, 11 AM. Registration is required. Registration closes when capacity is reached. This lecture is being co-sponsored by the Beaufort County 250th Committee.  
Please note: Reserved seats must be occupied by 10:55 AM the morning of the presentation. If you are running later or if you forget or if you simply cannot come, at 10:55 AM we offer any remaining unoccupied seats to people who may be standing by in hopes that they will be allowed to enter the program.  Sometimes we do indeed have "no shows" or "cancellations"; sometimes we do not. Therefore I encourage you to get one of the last remaining seats earlier rather than later.

It's a free-for-all, first come, first seated event for "The Stuarts Town Symposium on Saturday, February 4, 2023. The Symposium is co-sponsored by a host of local historical and genealogical agencies, including the Beaufort County Library. I will be on hand to usher folks to their sheets in the auditorium at the Center for the Arts, USCB, 801 Carteret Street in Beaufort,. Doors open at 12:30 PM, programs are scheduled to begin at 1 PM. We expect the programs section to conclude around 4 PM.  

A heads up about March 2023 - I am talking about postcards at Coastal Discovery Museum, 70 Honey Horn Drive, Hilton Head Island, on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 beginning at 2:30 PM. During "Wish You Were Here: Postcards & Local History" I will share tidbits of local history through the lens of postcards produced for sale and distribution by area merchants beginning at the turn of the last century. I use specific examples from the BDC's holdings to illustrate the presentation. Program details and registration ($) are posted on the Coastal Discover Museum's website. 

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