19 January 2023

Register for Local History Programs Sooner Rather than Later

Latest update: 19 January 2023 3:45 pm

Although it isn't customary to have several local history programs registration processes overlap, we have an exception. 

We have "Civil War Union Bands" at two locations - "Historically Speaking 4.1a and Historically Speaking 4.1b" for which seats may - or may not - still be available and we're opening the registration period for the  "Historically Speaking" 4.2 session today - all through the Beaufort County Historical Society's website.

Usually there is more time between "Historically Speaking" programs but this year we wanted to observe the anniversary of the Battle of Port Royal Island as close to the actual anniversary as possible. And since the Beaufort County Historical Society traditionally meets on Thursdays, we simply moved up the American Revolution military engagement commemoration up by one day. Besides which, the few times that the BDC has held a local history program on a Friday afternoon, turn-out has been poor. We certainly want to have a good crowd to hear about what happened and why what happened was significant to American history.   

Though the British Winter Campaign, 1778-1779 in the Palmetto State had mostly gone in Britain’s favor, South Carolina's first land based engagement between professional British, militia, and Continental forces resulted in a Patriot victory - and it was here in Beaufort County! Come learn about the strategy, tactics and significance of this American Revolution battle fought near the MCAS Air Station 244 years ago from a popular local history presenter, Neil Baxley. 

You'll notice on the flyer that the "Battle of Port Royal Island, 1779" is co-sponsored by the BDC, the Beaufort County Historical Society, and the Beaufort County 250th Committee under the aegis of the South Carolina 250th Commission. We are grateful for the co-sponsorship. 

The direct link to the EventBrite registration form for "Battle of Port Royal Island, 1779" is https://www.eventbrite.com/e/battle-of-port-royal-island-1779-tickets-519230952757. As per usual, space is limited. Registration will close when we reach room capacity. At 5 minutes to program start time, any unoccupied seats will be offered to folks standing by for program entrance. 

A native of North Carolina, Neil Baxley spent 4 years in the Marine Corps before joining the Beaufort County Sheriff's Department more than 35 years ago.  In 2013, Col. Baxley was put in charge of Beaufort County's Emergency Management Division.  In his spare time, he studies and writes history. He's given presentations at the South Carolina Archives and at area museums and libraries. He's authored two Confederate regimental history books, Walk in the Light: The Journey of the 10th and 19th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry (2013) and No Prouder Fate: The Story of the 11th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry (2009) and the foreword to Confederate General Stephen Elliott: Beaufort Legend, Charleston Hero by D. Michael Thomas (2020). 

Check the Beaufort County Historical Society's website for remaining seat availability at each of the "Historically Speaking" presentations. 

Looking ahead: The Stuarts Town Symposium, Saturday, February 4, 2023 at the USCB Center for the Arts, 801 Carteret Street, Beaufort, from 1 - 5 pm. Archaeologist Chester dePratter and his team will reveal the findings and significance from the 117 shovel tests conducted in Beaufort's downtown Point area in hopes of discovering the location of the settlement of Scots that lasted only about 2 years, 1684 - 1686. The program is free and no registration is required.   

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