29 August 2008

Hurricane Losses Too Hard to Absorb

Many people died as the result of the surging waters and fierce winds that came ashore when the Sea Island Storm struck Beaufort County. Among the dead, was Susan Hazel Rice's beloved brother, Dr. Gowan Hazel.

Tues. Aug. 29, 1893

Bright & warm About 3 o'clock yesterday I got a note from Dr. Stuart saying my own Brother was drowned. I cannot believe it & cannot bear it if it is true. Mr. Holmes went down in a rowboat & brought this(sic) remains of the loving brother, getting home about one o'clock this morn. He does not look natural but is a small comfort to be able to look upon his poor discolored face once more, but to think I never shall hear him speak again is too much for me to bear. We buried him at 11 A.M. & I have come to my home where he will never more come. Mr. Wilkins had a very appropriate service & Lewis made the prayer.

The Beaufort District Collection is a division of the Beaufort County Library, a department of Beaufort County Government of South Carolina.

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