09 November 2012

SCHM for Jan. 2012 Has Arrived!

The South Carolina Historical Magazine dated January 2012 has arrived. (It has been running behind schedule for several years now as the cost of publication has gone up - and available financial resources to publish the journal have become ever tighter.)  This issue includes several Beaufort District related book reviews and an article about J.D.B. De Bow, the man behind De Bow's Review, "The South's most influential nineteenth-century monthly journal." 

The BDC has five issues of De Bow's Review in our collection.  Although the physical issues are rather fragile, we allow customers to read the ones we have, provided that they are very careful when handling the volumes.  A detailed list of the articles contained in each of the five issues we have can be found by looking into my "De Bow's Review" bookbag.

The other two articles in this SCHM address definitions of Catawba tribal membership and the white men who were executed in Charleston for their involvement in the Denmark Vesey slave conspiracy (The BDC has a copy of the 1822 Official Report of the Trial of Sundry Negroes, Charged with an Attempt to Raise an Insurrection in the State of South Carolina to which much reference is made in our Research Room.)

Three of the books reviewed are in our holdings: Twilight on the South Carolina Rice Fields: Letters of the Heyward Family, 1862-1871 edited by Hollis and Stokes 975.703 HEY (BDC and Local History); the very popular Northern Money, Southern Land: The Lowcountry Plantation Sketches of Chlotilde Martin, updated by Hoffius and Cuthbert 728.8579 MAR (BDC and Local History); and, Maroon Communities in South Carolina: A Documentary Record by Lockley. (The book is in the BDC but you can download Dr. Lockley's lecture here in Beaufort for "Archaeology Month 2009" to learn more about this book.) 

Reminder:  The Beaufort County Library system will be closed Monday, Nov. 12th to observe Veteran's Day.  

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