The American Library Association will launch its first Preservation Week May 9–15, 2010.
I've just installed a little display about practical things you can do to preserve your family treasures -- using some of my own family treasures as both good examples of what to do and bad examples of what not to do. You can see the my family treasures in the Display case near the Beaufort Branch Library circulation desk (that's where you check out books, videos, and audio books.)
We're giving away copies of an illustrated booklet, "Guide to Collections Care: Paper, Photographs, Textiles & Books," while supplies last. To pick up your copy, just drop by the BDC during regular hours, 10 am until 5 pm, Mondays through Fridays. Download a copy of “Lasting Impressions: Care of Traditional Photographs” to learn how to take good care of your family pictures and albums.
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