Staff from our Hilton Head Branch Library offered 5 suggestions for summer reading at the beach, including these two book by former HHI resident, Todd Ballantine. While the BDC Research Room is closed, I am borrowing freely from the work of others to keep Connections of interest to our readers.
Tideland Treasure is the ideal book to bring on walks on the beaches of Hilton Head Island and the Southeast coast. This book grew out of a 5-year span of articles that were published in Island Events Magazine. It is charmingly handscripted and replete with his drawings of typically observed plants and animals of the beaches and salt marshes of Hilton Head Island and the Southeast coast. He even offers ecologically friendly tips such as: Beachgoers should leave living sand dollars on the beach and/or in the surf. Once a sand dollar is bleached white by the sun then it is dead. Dead sand dollars can be picked up.
His companion book, Woodland Walks, is an introduction to the ecology of the Southeastern coastal region. The author once served as a resident naturalist for the Sea Pines Plantation. This book will guide visitors on Hilton Head’s parks and nature preserves, and is also recommended to nature lovers.
This is not to say that a book about the ecology of Hilton Head Island doesn't have applicability to the other sea islands in South Carolina. It most certainly does. So, if you're visiting Hunting Island in Northern Beaufort County, bring along either book and you're sure to learn more about the flora and fauna surrounding you.
Beaufort County Library has multiple copies of both titles in our holdings. Visit our catalog to reserve your copy from one of our branch libraries.
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