02 June 2011

BDC Research Room Schedule

As you may have heard or read by now, some branches of the Beaufort County Library are changing their hours of operation (Beaufort, Bluffton and Hilton Head); some branches are not (Lobeco, St. Helena).

The BDC Research Room wasn't mentioned in any of the press releases. And a lot of our customers may assume that because we're in the same building as Beaufort Branch that their new schedule is our new schedule. Not so!

Although the Beaufort District Collection is physically located in the Library building at 311 Scott Street:

1) We are a special library and archives with a specified function.
2) We are located on the 2nd floor of 311 Scott Street.
3) We are as fully staffed (2 people) as we've ever been.

Like you, we've been waiting to get word about what effect, if any, the reduction of hours in the regional branches (Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head) would have on our hours of operation.

It's settled. Our Research Room will be open 10 am - 5 pm Mondays through Fridays as is customary, except of course, when it's not - such as on County mandated furlough days.

Q: So, how will you get in?
A: Enter the lobby on the 1st floor and catch the elevator to the 2nd floor. We'll be in the BDC Research Room located in the Paul Siegmund Room waiting to serve you all the local history, culture, and environmental resources you can stand between 10 am and noon; 1 pm - 5pm on Monday, June 6th. (Monday and Friday June 10th are furlough days for BDC staff).

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