03 April 2012

April is Amnesty Month at BCL

As most of our readers know, the Beaufort District Collection is the "forever" special collection and archives of the Beaufort County Library system.  We don't let customers take home our materials.  We are, however, responsible for stocking, selecting, and maintaining the "Local History" sections in the branch libraries.  And, quite frankly, we need our missing local history section titles returned. Bottom line: We can't share what we don't have in our possession to share.

Beaufort County Library will be providing patrons an Amnesty Month from April 1st to the 30th.  Customers  who have overdue items in their possession may return their items, fine-free, to any branch of the Beaufort County Library System. As usual, though, "the devil is in the details:"

  • Applies only to Beaufort County Library owned materials
  • Returned in person
  • To a Circulation Representative
  • During regular hours of operation at these BCL locations:
    • Beaufort Branch Library, 311 Scott Street, 1st floor
    • Bluffton Branch Library, 120 Palmetto Way
    • Hilton Head Branch Library, 11 Beach City Road
    • Lobeco Branch Library, 1862 Trask Parkway
    • St. Helena Branch Library, 1025 Sea Island Parkway
You'll notice that the BDC isn't listed.  Please don't try to return your overdue items to us - not even if the items are from the local history sections.  The Branch Libraries are responsible for all Amnesty Month returns. 

What this means is:
  • If you have already returned items with fines, you're out of luck. You still owe the Library the fines.
  • If you haven't returned an item from one of the other SCLENDS libraries, you're out of luck.You still owe the Library the fines incurred.
  • If you return the item through one of our return boxes or via the RFID slot (at some of our locations), you're out of luck.  
  • If you hand the item to any staff member other than a circulation representative, you may be out of luck.
  • If you've lost an item and want to come clean, talk with a circulation representative at your branch library.
  • If you have questions, contact your branch library for details.      
Please return any BCL owned items.  We need them!  This is the first amnesty that's been held since I joined the staff on February 15, 1999.  This may well be your first - and final - opportunity to return BCL owned items fine-free. Get those books and videos back in asap.

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