06 April 2012

Celebrate National Library Week April 8 - 14

Most people have a library story.  Here's the earliest of mine:

The very first place that I was allowed to go on my own was the Georgetown County Public Library.  My mother could stand in front of our apartment building and watch me walk the 2 blocks up Screven Street to the library which sat at the intersection of Screven and Highmarket Streets back then.  When I got ready to leave, the library staff would let me use the telephone to call Momma to alert her that I was on my way back to the apartment.  Even at age 6, I think I knew that I'd always belong in a library.  

Perhaps you have a library story, too.  If you'd like to share it, send me an e-mail at gracec@bcgov.net. 

Libraries are places for new beginnings. Whether you are getting your first library card, learning new skills, beginning a job search, or planning a trip, the library is the one place in a community where you belong and be comfortable, engaged, and learning regardless of age, ability, or socio-economic status.

This National Library Week, remember that "You Belong @ Your Library."  We'll be happy to see and share our array of materials, programs and services with you! Just drop by any of our locations during regular hours of operation. 

PS: National Library Week has been around as long as I have. We were both launched in 1958!

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