19 September 2013

Talk Like a Pirate Day: The Five A's

Ahoy, me Hearties! Arrrrhhhh ya talkin' like a salty seadog today, too? Well, dust off your Jolly Roger, grab an old salt, and ditch yer fellow landlubbers for a day brimmin' with buccaneers, booty, and Beaufort port. Aye, and a bit'o' pirate talk too! Ya can't find a bottle o'rum har, but ya can find out more about pirates and those scallywag privateers! Avast ye! Pirate booty awaits ye at the Beaufort District Collection! Aarrrhhhg!!!

Shiver me timbers! Arrrhhhhg cours there be a Facebook page, International Talk Lie a Pirate, too.

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