19 September 2014

"Bound for Canaan" at Bluffton Branch

Some of you may remember Ron Roth from the "Civil War 150" exhibit and associated programming last Fall.  He delivers fine presentations on historical topics including one about the Underground Railroad being hosted at Bluffton Branch later this month. Although the BDC limits its programming efforts to local history topics, the Underground Railroad is a fascinating topic that many of our historically minded readers would enjoy.

Event Name:  Bound for Canaan:  The Underground Railroad and the African American Quest for Freedom
Short Description of Event:  Ron Roth presents the heroic efforts of African Americans and whites to hide and guide runaway slaves in their desperate journeys to freedom in the north and in Canada. This program is sponsored by The Humanities CouncilSC, a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities; inspiring, engaging and enriching South Carolinians with programs on literature, history, culture and heritage.
Time and Date of Event:  Tuesday, September 23 at 6:00 pm
Location of Event:  Bluffton Library, 120 Palmetto Way, Bluffton SC 29910
Price of Event: Free
Contact info: 843-255-6512, areasoner@bcgov.net

I wrote a blog post about the Underground Railroad and some of its local connections back in February 2013. There are more than 50 library materials about the Underground materials in the Library system's holdings. Click here for a bookbag full of non-fiction titles, for all ages, about the Underground Railroad from our system catalog. 

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