However, I know that hurricanes, death, and destruction do not appeal to everyone - which is why I bring this wonderful opportunity to your attention:
The inimitable Joggling Board Press
publisher and editor Susan Kammeraad-Campbell is back to weave her magic - to
help unleash the writer in you! We know that storytelling is an integral
part of what it means to be human. Our stories help us make sense of our world.
They tell us who we were, who we are and who we can be. As Ursula K. Le Guin
has attested: “There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but
there have been no societies that did not tell stories.”
You may recall that Kammeraad-Campbell did several memoir writing workshops for the BDC a few years ago in connection with the publication of the national award-winning memoir, The Other Mother by Teresa Bruce. Kammeraad-Campbell drew on techniques
she designed while guiding Bruce to access memories and render them through her senses in her workshops. Bruce describes her experience working with Susan in this Charleston
City Paper article.
Post-workshop survey responses were resoundingly enthusiastic:
- “Writer’s workshops in a public library setting are a necessary and non-judgmental arena to develop;”
- “The workshop made me want to write more and to approach writing as a craft;”
- “This workshop changed my perception on the diversity and validity of other’s viewpoints;”
- “This workshop empowered me ‘to be me’;” and, several one word critiques:
- “Cathartic;”
- “Therapeutic,” and
- “Inviting.”
Perhaps most telling, one
participant said: “The public library is an inclusive setting where judgment is
held at bay. The interaction with the other writers made me feel validated.” If you have any writing
aspirations at all, you would be crazy (yes, I wrote "crazy!")
not to take advantage of this opportunity to learn at the feet (well, table)
of a master editor.
If you can't make the January 23rd session at St. Helena Branch at 1 pm, then be sure to catch the final installment at Beaufort Branch on Saturday, January 30th. No registration necessary. No writing experience necessary. Heck, she even supplies the pens and paper!

We've have a list of all The Big Read programs and activities at http://www.beaufortcountylibrary.org/the-big-read so you can pick and choose among a variety of options available to help you understand and appreciate one of more aspects of Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston.
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