Now that November is upon us, here's what is on tap:

The Beaufort County Historical Society is coming to visit its archives in the Beaufort District Collection on Thursday, November 1st at Noon. The meeting is free and open to the general public. I've been busy preparing a short talk about the content of their records.
Organizational records can be tricky. A lot of the content is functional in nature and often not particularly exciting. On the other hand, underneath can lie some controversial matters. The trick will be in making rather routine information seem interesting - without offending anyone who is a current member or whose family members were once members of the Society.
On Friday, November 2nd, the BDC heads back to Bluffton Branch. This time the topic is the largest industry that Beaufort District ever had - phosphate mining - as told by Dr. Shepherd McKinley, University of North Carolina Charlotte, the award-winning author of one of the best titled history books Stinking Stones and Rocks of Gold. Join us at 2 pm in the large meeting room for this free and informative lecture.
There's a slight change regarding the scheduling of the next Beaufort History Museum / Beaufort County Library local history series lecture. It will be held on a Thursday, November 8th rather than our customary Tuesday. (Tuesday is Election Day and we encourage all to exercise their ballot). Registration is required and opened 25 October.
Now that Amanda is gone, Kristy and I are holding down the fort until we get another Preservation Associate. We are receiving applications and scheduling interviews but it may be awhile before we get the right person on board to help cover our 40 hours a week public service schedule. We will do our best to minimize interruptions to our usual and customary schedule but we do have a known shortage on Tuesday, November 6th. I will be out of the office so I will be unable to cover Kristy's lunch period. Accordingly, the Research Room will be closed from Noon to 1 pm on Election Day.
We are thrilled to have Dr. Ted Rosengarten premiere his lecture about how he would write his award-winning book, Tombee: Portrait of a Cotton Planter, originally published in 1986, now given the changes in historiography over the past 30 years.
His primary field of research and writing is African-American history so this lecture is entitled "Tombee Revisited: Managing Enslaved Labor on a Sea Island Cotton Plantation." We have room for 70 people for this Beaufort History Museum/Beaufort County Library local history lecture so register before all the seats are taken: The lecture will be closed when full.
Veterans Day falls on a Sunday this year so Beaufort County government will observe it on Monday, November 12th. All units of the Library will be closed Monday, November 12. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, November 13.
Lineage & Hereditary Societies is the topic of Bonnie Wade Mucia's workshop on Tuesday, November 13 at St. Helena Branch Library. She will be going over the various types of lineage and hereditary societies, what the requirements are to join some of the best known one and how to put together your application with your documented proof of descendant. Wade will discuss where to look for vital records and other proof along with tools for Pre-1850s research and how to get past difficult brick walls. She will also be covering how you can use DNA as proof in your lineage society applications. Who accepts DNA and which types of testing you will need. So, bring your lineage society questions and applications to work through some of your questions and problems.
Bonnie Wade-Mucia is a Professional Genealogist and owner of Keeper of the Past Genealogy, LLC. As a native New Englander, she became fascinated with her family history and has been researching her genealogy for over 30 years. Bonnie is a graduate of the Boston University Genealogical Certificate program and the ProGen Study Group. She successfully completed the 2018 course specializing in DNA at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. She is the Lineage Chair and Librarian for the Emily Geiger chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution as well as the state Vice-Chair for the Volunteer Genealogy Committee for DAR. She is the former Governor of the South Carolina Mayflower Society. She is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, the National Genealogy Society, and the Genealogical Speakers Guild. Bonnie resides in Bluffton, SC with her husband, Joseph.
The holiday season continues with all units of the Beaufort County Library closing at 5 pm on Wednesday, November 21st and staying closed on Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23rd for Thanksgiving and Heritage Day. Regular hours resume on Saturday, November 24th.
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