14 April 2024

The Week Ahead, April 15 -20, 2024

BDC staff is pretty busy this week with 2 local history programs, Beaufort County deadlines for required participation in the employee job classification survey, and a community event on Saturday. We hope that you'll be able to join us for one - or all - of our special events.

We’re hosting a reprise of 
"Snakebit" - an examination of surviving sources of information about one of the most fascinating Englishmen of the colonial period, Henry WoodwardRed Bird and the Devil author Robert E. Lanham will discuss what he found to be true and what remains myth. Join us and the Beaufort History Museum at St. Helena Branch on April 16, 2024 at 2 PM for this educational local history program.

History is full of forgotten, unknown and underappreciated human stories of challenge and triumph. Come hear the courageous life story of Bristow Eddy, an enslaved man who undertook the dangerous trip along the South Carolina coast to fight for freedom in the Union Army in the "Historically Speaking" series lecture on April 18th. This program is part of the BDC and Beaufort County Historical Society's contribution to the ISRE Symposium.

We continue our Outreach efforts on Saturday, April 20th. We'll have a booth at USCB’s Institute for the Study of the Reconstruction Era Symposium in an effort to inform the public about the range and scope of the materials the BDC shares about the period, both inside the Research Room and online through our BDCBCL: Links, Lists and Finding Aids blog, our digital collections hosted through the Lowcountry Digital Library, and this blog. Feel free to drop by for this free event, say hello, and listen to some presentations on offer in the auditorium. 

As a reminder: The Library will be closed on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 for Staff Development. 

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