I've been taking a little R & R time before 1) we relocate the BDC to the 2nd floor of this building and 2) before my accrued leave time gets thrown into the disability hours category. On a recent R & R day, I stumbled across "10 Reasons for my love affair with the library," written by an out-of-work 20s something who rediscovered her public library in Brookline, MA (just outside Boston) during her (thankfully short) period of unemployment. I was actually looking through "thrift" related websites and blogs to maximize the efficient use of my ever dwindling funds. (We have two children in college). But this little article was interfiled with such suggestions as "green uses for used teabags," and "how to create your own green cleaning supplies," etc. and since I love the mission of public libraries....
Most of her reasons for loving the library are just as valid here in our community. I'm going to go through her list and point out what is available through Beaufort County Library. You might be surprised.
1. Books -- Check us out in person or through the online catalog.
2. Rent DVDs and TV Shows -- We don't exactly "rent" DVDs and TV Shows. We let you borrow them for free with a valid SCLends recognized library card! Here's information on how to get that library card.
3. CDs and Tapes -- While this isn't a large part of our overall holdings, the fact that the BCL is a member of SCLENDS expands your possibilities and access to music CDs and Tapes. Check out the catalog.
4. Scores and Librettos -- Again this isn't something that the BCL provides in great quantities but if you're interested in playing the piano, guitar, or violin, we do have some music books. To get personal, I've borrowed some folk song books in order to accompany the library singers in previous skits that the North of Broad branch staff have done for the library volunteers. At least give BCL a try before purchasing your next score.
5.Workout Tapes and DVDs -- Available. The list is in, (you guessed it), our catalog.
6. Video Games -- None of the SCLENDS libraries seems to be doing this yet. We do, however, have Wii sessions for adults in some of our branch libraries. Monitor the calendar to find Wii sessions, events, and programs.
7. Story Time and Free Tutoring -- Storytimes are a key function at the BCL. Our Youth Services department take care of the Story Times -- and Summer Reading. Some wonderful programs are going on in June and July! Read about them on the Kids' Page and TeenZonely. Register soon to get weekly prizes.
8. Magazine and Newspaper Databases -- We have these in spades! Explore Online Resources, then pick "Research Resources" for access to our online magazine and newspaper database. I know that I'm giving short shrift to these for now but stay tuned!
9. Printers and Copiers -- All our branches have some printers and copiers available for the public to use for a minimal charge. Plus Beaufort Branch and Hilton Head Branch have microfilm reader/printers available.
10. Museum Pass Programs -- The Sandbox Children's Museum has given the BCL Children's department access to a limited number of admission tickets. Ask at your branch library for details.
As you can see, although the Beaufort County Library is unable to provide all the features of a major metropolitan public library, we do provide access to quite an array of services. So, I ask you
Q: What makes you love your library?
"10 Reasons...." got a host of comments. (Scroll down past the advertisements to find the "comments" section.) I look forward to yours.
As always, please contact any of our branch libraries to learn more about these and other services provided by Beaufort County Library. For Learning, For Leisure, For Life.
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