17 June 2010

Are You Addicted to the Internet? Self-Test

Obviously, if you are reading this Connections entry, you have access to the internet. Have you ever wondered how using the Internet might be affecting your brain? Others are studying the impact of the Internet on our daily lives and interactions. American Libraries Direct, published by the American Library Association, ran an entry "This is your brain on computers" about internet addiction in its 6/9/2010 issue:

Scientists say juggling email, phone calls, and other incoming information can change how people think and behave. ... It may be that the immediacy of the internet changes the core of who we are. Take this test to find out....

For sources used in the American Libraries Direct entry, see the New York Times article "An Ugly Toll of Technology: Impatience and Forgetfulness" by Tara Parker-Pope that was posted June 6, 2010. The Center for Internet Addiction posted the test.

It's something to ponder: Has using the internet re-wired your brain?

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