13 June 2010

Lounsbury on Colonial Churches at HBF

Coming June 21, the third Monday of the month, Dr. Carl Lounsbury, leading architectural historian at the Colonial Williamburg Foundation and professor at the College of William & Mary, will present a program based on his study of colonial houses of worship, Laying the Cornerstone of New Zion: The Early Churches & Meeting Houses of America. Lounsbury has brought a group of students to Beaufort each of the last three summers to measure and document antebellum resources here in cooperation with Historic Beaufort Foundation. He will give an overview of that work.

The lecture series is held in the second floor drawing room of the Verdier House. A fundraiser for HBF’s preservation activities, the series admission is $15 per member, $25 per member couple and $20 per non-member, $30 per non-member couple, for each of the programs. Scheduled 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m., the programs are preceded by wine and refreshments. For those who are interested, a three-course dinner at Saltus River Grill at $19 per person will be served following each lecture upon presentation of the lecture program.

For more information or to reserve a seat, call Historic Beaufort Foundation at 379-3331. Seating is limited.

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