06 August 2013

Memoirs in the BDC

Among the "other duties as assigned" that we professional librarians have is the responsibility to share in writing a column or two a year for the Island Packet/Beaufort Gazette "From The Beacon."  Recently Mary Jo Berkes, Manager of the Hilton Head Branch, wrote about memoirs, which she defined as " a special kind of autobiography" and gave suggestions about some fine memoirs in the Library system that could be checked out.  The BDC has some memoirs to share, too, inside our Research Room.

In light of the "One County Reads the Civil War" project, here are a few recommended memoirs to read:
Memoirs of the War of Secession by Johnson Hagood
The Haskell Memoirs by John Cheves Haskell
Civil War Memoir of Thomas C. Albergotti, First Lieutenant, CSA, Hampton Legion
A Black Woman's Civil War Memoirs : Reminiscences of my Life in Camp with the 33rd U.S. Colored Troops, late 1st South Carolina Volunteers by Susie King Taylor
A Fire-Eater Remembers : the Confederate Memoir of Robert Barnwell Rhett

If you prefer to learn more about the American Revolution, we have several fine memoirs of that war here in the special collections department:
Memoirs of the American Revolution by William Moultrie
Memoirs of Tarleton Brown : a captain in the Revolutionary Army

For those who like to read memoirs of people they may know (or have known) personally, we recommend:
Memoirs of the Prodigal Son : The Road to Redemption: "Fifteen Years in Prison and Beyond" by John C. Dortch
Little Geech: A Shrimper's Story : Life on the waters of Beaufort and the Sea Islands by H.H. "Bubba" Von Harten, Jr.
Doctor K: A Personal Memoir by Herbert Keyserling, M.D.
Here's a heads up for faithful Connections readers:  We're sponsoring a workshop here in the BDC on how to write readable memoirs about your own life on November 7th with Susan Kammeraad-Campbell, publisher of Joggling Board Press and local author Teresa Bruce, whose book The Other Mother: A Remoir, using some of the Byrne Miller Collection, is due to be released in September.   

Read more here: http://www.islandpacket.com/2013/07/26/2597147/learn-more-about-human-experience.html#storylink=cpy

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